IGC Questions & Answers

IGC working teams can use this topic to pose questions and write comments regarding each step of the project preparation and implementation. You will certainly find the answer to many common issues among Geodesignhub users and even for more specific problems the moderators will be very keen on directly advising you!

If you do not know what the IGC project is, please just ignore the topic.


Thank you for creating this thread! Please find below a PDF and a timeline of the process and it should give a overall schedule for any team that wants to use Geodesignhub for IGC projects. Please ask any questions here!

PDF download


Q: How can we cause the GDH color codes for the ten systems to exactly match the RGB values specified in IGC documentation?
e.g. Water = (113 184 255), Agri = (194 230 153), etc.
I only see as fixed color palette in Manage Systems.

Hi @Servin, Thank you for the message. When you use the IGC template during project creation, the colors match the IGC specification. Before adding diagrams, you can check it, attaching screenshots below for AG and BI. Does it look something different for you?

