This topic specifies the attributes that are required to successfully upload geojson as evaluation, constraints, impacts and as a diagram.
It is recommended that you first review the general checklist of data that are required and also a step-by-step guide to preparing your dataset.
If a evaluation, impact, constraints or a diagram is created in GIS, then it has to be re-projected in WGS 1984 / EPSG 3857 projection.
Evaluation Map
For evaluation maps every feature in the file should have a attribute called: areatype and it should be one of the following five values, a detailed guide for evaluation map colors (and meaning) is here.
For evaluation maps every feature in the file should have a attribute called: areatype and it should be one of the following five values:
- red
- yellow
- green
- green2
- green3
The red depicts Existing, yellow depicts “Not Appropriate”, green is “Capable”, green2 is “Suitable” and green3 is “Feasible”
Impacts Map
For impact maps every feature in the file should have a attribute called: areatype and it should be one of the following five values:
- orange
- yellow
- purple
- purple2
- purple3
For Constraints, all features need to have a “areatype” and it has to be the following:
- constraints
For Boundaries, all features need to have a “areatype” and it has to be the following:
- boundaries
In addition, you can have a additional attribute called “bname” that has the text of the name of the polygon. Boundaries are administrative / political / jurisdictional boundaries within the study area and a free text name field called bname. This can be name of the county etc.
For diagrams, the GeoJSON should have empty properties and especially there should be no “areatype” property.
Sample Downloads
Sample evaluation, boundaries and constraints file are available for download here.