Exporting your design to ArcGIS Online / ESRI systems

In this article we will detail how to export Geodesignhub data to ArcGIS Online / ESRI systems. To do this, you will have to add the “ESRI-Bridge v2” plugin for this via the administration panel.


Your project needs to be “linked to ESRI” to enable this functionality. You can do this during the time of project creation or contact the Geodesignhub support if you want to link your existing project. You can verify if your project is linked if you see the text below at the top of your page “This project has maps linked from an ESRI organization”

Sign in to ESRI ArcGIS Online

At the top of your Geodesignhub project, you will see a link to sign in to ESRI as shown below

Enter ESRI Credentials

Once you click the link, a new window will open redirecting you arcgis.com and a login screen. This is where you enter your ESRI / ArcGIS credentials.

Export Design

Once you enter your credentials, the pop-up window will disappear and you will be logged into the ESRI systems. You can now scroll down to the “Design Comparisons” section of Geodesignhub and pick a design (and design team), once the design is loaded, you will see a “AGOL Exporter V2” plugin.

Export screen

Once you click the export design button, a new pop up will appear, you can confirm the information regarding your design and diagrams and then press the “Export design to ArcGIS Online” button, as shown below

This plugin will export your design to ArcGIS systems, the design will appear in your ArcGIS content libraries, it may take some time (40-60 seconds) to process your request and transfer the data.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: The export plugin is not visible on my page
A: The ArcGIS plugin is only visible if you login to AGOL. When you load Geodesignhub, you must sign in to ESRI systems to get your credentials, be default you are not signed in and the plugin is not visible.