API POST Methods

Geodesign Hub exposes POST methods primarily for three things: 1) update the evaluation 2) update a impact map for a system and 3) add new diagrams.

In order to post a diagram, evaluation or impact to a system in your project, there are two settings that need to be turned on.

  1. The user posting the data must be assigned as an administrator for a system. Please review the Assign System Administrator topic to assign as a administrator.
  2. Dynamic linking must be turned on for the system to which the data is posted. You can see how this is done by following the "Turn on dynamic linking tutorial."

All POST requests take in GeoJSON or GeoBuf files. For larger geometries, you can encode the geojson to a geobuf binary file and send it as a gbf file as above to ensure efficient file transfer and small size. Please use geoms.pbf as a file name in the request. A sample file that posts Impact map geometries as Geobuf is here.

Geodesign Hub API has been now migrated to the Geodesign Hub API Blueprint site. Please review the Blueprint site for all the API methods that are exposed.